
evaluation question 1 

Dear , who ever this may concern 

the conventions of dramas exhibit real life situations , it builds a journey in chronological order , it has intense climaxes. The purpose of dramas is to effect the views emotionally. The main point of dramas is the conflict , these conflicts include realistic struggles , hardships and pain , these struggles make the audience relate making them more emotionally attached. The detachment from the climaxes and non-climaxes make it tense and drawing in. They mostly end with realisation or a happy ending. 

In my film the story line is set in chronological order , we have series of flash back to present why she's in such emotional struggle . Even though our film is about the fame , viewers might not all relate but they can relate to the struggle or pressure from work or school and reaching certain expectations. For example Mayias manager puts a lot on her and gives her so much to do meaning she has no time to focus on her mental health making her loose control ; students in school might relate to the struggle of having so much work to do in such a limited time and with certain expectations. 

As in our film if we had longer we could have added a series of climax to build tension and also a romantic twist. This twist becomes even more relatable to the audience as our age range being 15-25 loads of teens/young adults are quite focused on girls and boys and having a girlfriend or boyfriend. By having added these conventions it makes it much more dramatic. Also it appeals to my audience as she is still quite young and is going through the issue of growing up and making mistakes which again applies to the audiences as teen years are very hard to go through , it presents not only normal people go through the struggles that celebrities do to.

Overall my film would present the typical conventions of dramas and addressing the right audience. Therefore fitting into the stereotypical drama group of films.

Kind regards

Monika Kierdelewicz

evaluation question 2

evaluation question number 3 :

Online recording software >>

i used a online software to make a voice recording

Evaluation question 4

Question 5 

question 5 from monika kierdelewicz on Vimeo.

Question 6

 Here is a fact file/ advert on the Canon 700D I produced with word

 Here is a advert/fact file for the Hama tripod

question 7 

 from monika kierdelewicz on Vimeo.

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