preliminary task

Preliminary task planning 

Lesson Log 1 -

Today in lesson we started planning for our preliminary task. We  wrote our narrative and wrote the shots next to it . What we did after was our script , we was still thinking of a name so we left it blank but after we decided on exigency . We did our storyboards , which we also included shots and some lines from the script to show when  we would be changing the camera angles.

Furthermore we did character profiles - Nadia and Sadie . We decided our narrative would be a young TA which is Nadia finds out her boyfriend has been killed. We really wanted to present tension when Sadie tells her that he has been killed . We thought about the shots that we would use to get that effect across , also we thought about where would be the perfect place to film . we went round the school to take some still shots of places that we could film in , That would give that tense and effective. These are some of the still shots-

We wanted to pick a place in the school that would give the tense effect so we went for the interview room , which is good for that specific film as it does portray.  

here is the storyboard . My drawing isn't the best but I did it rough as 
we still are unsure what kind of shots we want a rough example.

here is the 3 main shots we need to use.

here is the script that we will base our lines on.


Preliminary task filming and editing 

Today we filmed our film. we started off first with deciding where exactly we was going to shoot our film , we noticed that the room we originally wanted to use was taken so we took the heads office , it caused a bit of a problem due to us taking still shots of a completely different room. We incorporated a couple new shots as it would give us a much more of a tense atmosphere.

Our treatment- Nadia makes her way to the office and opens it nervously. She sees Sadie sitting there waiting for her tapping her pen. She sits down and tells her about her boyfriend being killed which leads to Nadia being in shock.

our main focuses where the shots , we used a range of shots in our filming; close up , shot reverse shot , match on action , 180 degree rule etc. 

Due to the change of filming we had to adapt these shots much differently than the others to get the result we wanted. We also adapted our editing.

Editing- when we started editing , we added all our shots together and watched it trough and cropped the clips to make it flow. We had a reaction shot , we wanted to slow it down to give more of an effect , we also removed the sound from it and added a sound effect. We added this specific sound effect to show the shock and trauma of Nadia. By taking off the sound off the close ups of the eyes and mouth . The eyes showed the emotion and the distress she is going through in that exact moment. The mouth was to represent the words and the heart breaking news that are being told , it represents the moment and how the world is crashing down and its almost like assurance to Nadia that she's not dreaming and to the audience.


1. what have you learned during making of the preliminary task

I did not do media at GCSE meaning it was a fresh start for me meaning when i started the preliminary task it was a first feel into what it will consist of. Learning to use different shots and how to use different equipment we was given ; video camera. Also what I learnt is how to plan before making a film and how to make it effective and helpful for the filming as  it's such a big part of the process. What we also learnt is different editing ways and how to use different programs to make our product the best possible.

2. Areas of success

areas of success in our product was definitely our flow of the film and the shots we used, we wanted to branch out with different shots. As we wanted to make it tense we didn't  have much of speech , which the use of different shots defiantly made it tense. Another thing that was successful was our editing ,  we used a range of editing techniques on iMovie.

3. What would your areas of development

It was a good product but I think our planning technique needed to be more advanced and have had a clear idea before we started filming as it took us time to film because we needed to find places , we defiantly needed to organise it much more. We underestimated it how difficult having to add 3 specific shots and how we would interpret it into our film in an effective way. 

4. how well did you meet your brief

In the brief we had to have 180 degree rule shot reverse shot and a match on action. We had all of them in our film but definitely found it difficult to interpret it into the film as we had an idea but at the end our preliminary did meet the brief well. The reason why i think we found it difficult was the application so it went with the story line. Overall it met the brief well.

5. Evaluate your contribution to the group work

I did the acting in the film which was quite a large contribution , I also helped with the editing and planning. As the editing and planning is a group effort we all fed into ideas. What I found challenging while doing the acting is showing enough emotion in the scene and how to play myself to be in the shot.


this is the film

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